Motorsport Coaching

Almost everything we do at DriveTeq is focused on supporting advanced driving skills and techniques.  The foundation for that focus is premium driver coaching services.  What does that mean?

  • We have a proven curriculum and advanced driving programs

  • We listen to your objectives and needs

  • We match you with the best coaches to help you meet your objectives no matter what level you are driving at and whether you want to race or just improve your daily driving

  • We don’t discriminate. We provide coaching to all levels of driver, male and female

  • We can design custom programs to support you

  • We can take years off the time required to develop your skills

  • We guarantee we will help you have more fun developing your advanced driving skills

  • We employ the services of the best coaches

  • We will help you keep yourself safer on the road and track

  • We can evaluate your driving and help you quantify your risk

  • We can provide the venues, the events and/or the car, if necessary, so that you get the right training

A red and black picture of a car steering wheel

Depending on your objectives and time frame, we provide both private and group coaching services.  We provide those services in conjunction with any number of our track days and rental cars. See our Schedule for upcoming events and Contact Us.  Driving Better…Driving Results!

“I’ve had a number of on track instructions over the years, but none compared to what I learned with you in one day.
Thanks a ton!!!!!”
–Ian on DriveTeq Advanced Driver Coaching–

“Driveteq has a superb team of driving coaches. Utilizing classroom instruction, in-seat coaching, and video-analysis, the Driveteq coaches are capable of taking any driver up to the skill level they desire.”
— Fareed on DriveTeq Advanced Driver Coaching —

“I brought my wife and children for an educational and fun day of driving at the track. DriveTeq knew how to communicate with us effectively, they looked after my family and we all had a great time.”
–Richard on a DriveTeq Driver Education Day–

“Had a great day at EA implementing the trail braking techniques that I learned from Rick of Driveteq and lopped 6 seconds off my track time. Then I did a Time Attack competition three days later and wound up taking another second off and ending with a 1:22:05 at CTMP which was described by observers as a blistering time. Want to learn how to drive fast? This is the best group to run with if that’s your goal. Thanks to Rick and Gerry for your help.”
— Bruce on Getting Faster with DriveTeq —

“I have been driving for 20+ years. Absolutely no track or other high performance driving experience. The primary reason to do the winter driving coaching was to increase my confidence when driving in poor weather especially snow. The day began with an in-class session. We then did some track driving as well as some skid pad work.  The important single thing I learned was how crucial vision is. I realized I had been driving my whole life while only looking a 1-2 cars ahead, or less! I learned the basics of proper hand, mirror positioning and seating position. Also how to use the brakes and throttle more gently. I also learned more advanced driving techniques such as how to use the throttle to steer the car. I found the day to be of great value. I gained confidence with every lap. Overall I feel more confident in challenging driving conditions. In fact, since doing this course I have driven in a couple snowstorms and felt more confident than ever.”
— Laurie on DriveTeq Winter Advanced Driver Training —