DriveTeq has existing programs and develops custom programs designed to dramatically increase a driver’s ability to anticipate and avoid vehicle incidents. With reduced incidents, our customers are able to stabilize and even reduce their costs of insurance, driving profit to their bottom line.
We are prepared to assist clients in proactively avoiding potential issues before they arise and addressing problems that have arisen already. DriveTeq provides both in-classroom theory and practical in-vehicle training in addition to the convenience of online training and testing.

Our programs are:
(i) cost-effective, (ii) easy to understand and participate in, (iii) practical and (iv) results driven.
Our clients receive:
Increased profits by reducing their total cost of risk
Quantifiable ROI
Certificate of completion
Protected and enhanced reputation and brand name
Reduced future liabilities including first and third-party liability
Positioned as best in class in your customer’s eyes
Ongoing support including driver rehabilitation and new hire input

Risk Management Driving Seminars
DriveTeq’s advanced driving seminars have been developed as part of a comprehensive training program included with our on-course practical training and as a stand-alone advanced driver training service.
We provide practical in-class training on techniques that can be used immediately to reduce risk. Our presentations are easy to understand and delivered in a clear and concise manner.
We provide our seminar programs on-site in advance of our on-course programs and also at various locations convenient to our clients.
Contact Us with any questions and to schedule your risk management driving seminar.